01 February 2007

File: Home

Oh sweet IKEA box how you thwart me. 50 minutes in. Drawers constructed 0. Nails left 76. Optimism I'll complete this problem -100.


Karen said...

Just so you know you are in good company.

Oh the agony!

Oh the multiple trips to Home Depot.

Oh the exorcism!

Good luck with the box!

Brandi. said...

I understand what she means about wanting to burn the directions. Matt has also had IKEA issues (see Larsenopolis for the Lion, the witch, and the Wardrobe post), so I think he would also be on board for this.

You are a true friend to send me such a gem.

Karen said...

I kept meaning to post this in Matt's comments but it just did not happen. So this is indeed for Matt as well.

I'm glad you enjoyed the read. Cara is a fun knit blogger.

Despite the angst that Ikea directions creat I still long to shop there.


If you do have a ritualistic burning of the directions be sure to get a picture. :-)

Karen said...

http://ikeahacker.blogspot.com/ More Ikea love for you.

Brandi. said...

The funny thing -- I just sent this link to Matt's dad. Big fan of that site. Once we finish the desk, we'll send over our own hack...

Stay tuned! :)