22 November 2006

File: The Past

Matt and I were in the car yesterday and somehow started talking about 5th grade courses. Part of my health offering was "Me-ology," the study of YOU. (From my recollection, that phrase and capitalization is how they introduced the course to us.)

Essentially, the course was a prep for when they separated the boys and the girls and talked to us about sex. Not sure what kind of souvenirs the boys got, but volunteer moms (thank G-d not mine) threw tampons at us. It was traumatizing, or at the very least, very very strange. The girl cafeteria experience, not necessarily Me-ology.

Me-ology was kind of fun. We had this little packet with a hand-drawn kid on the front. I can't remember most of the course (is that why I'm still trying to figure myself out?), but one of the things that sticks in my mind is the Me-Doll. They had us lie down on butcher paper and then traced our fronts and our backs. We decorated them to look like us, and then we stuffed and stapled them. They were life-size* and were pretty cool.

Although, the bus was pretty crowded the day we took them home. (How strange would that have been to a passing car? A busload of kids with kids that looked like them on their laps. Very odd.) I wonder what ever happened to my "me."

*Matt reminded me that they would be slightly smaller than life-size, as they would lose yardage when stuffed and stapled.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

utoftkI remember you bringing home the clone of you. There
was one difference, you were cuter.

Love ya,