13 August 2006

File: Life

My weekend project. This is the wall to the left of our front door into the apartment. Matt did the video frame (to left of word shelf). The video changes. Currently, I have our baby pictures and summer photos loading randomly at five-second intervals. I also spray-painted the shelves, framed the letters, and designed where the photos would go on the wall.

We chose "Word" because we thought "love" was overdone. We considered our initials, but then "Word" was brought up as a joke. We found it funny. And, as the room is technically the library, it seemed to fit.

In case you can't see, the little shelf spells our last name in actual typesetting letters (hence the reason it is reversed).

Yay for weekend projects!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Word" was an awesome choice. Made me laugh hard.