15 June 2006

File: Life

I've been back from Seattle for a few weeks now.

I've been struggling with a funk. Things are hard right now. Working through them, but they're hard.

I've been trying to establish a new routine. I kept feeling that I was cheating myself out of time; that I wasn't accomplishing anything. So, I decided to change that.

Most mornings, I get up early. I go to the gym. I write. I have a bunch of writing projects that I'm working on. Revising the screenplay. Dusting off the short stories. Figuring out how to really shop my kid's book, Voza Sings. A memoir. It sounds pretentious to even write that.

In typical Brandi style, I jumped in with both feet. I feel more creatively fulfilled, but haven't had the time and energy for my beloved blogs. Sorry about that, but I need to do this for me.

It's hard taking ownership on things. Putting a stake in the ground and saying, "Mine!" I'm learning how to do that more. I may have gone too far in the other direction because I've mostly stopped cleaning the house and the fishtank is turning greenish. It's all about balance.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Ah balance. Glad to see you are back and keeping busy. Hugs.